时间: 2016.11.17 分享:



黄宁,教授级高工。新西兰奥克兰大学建筑学专业博士,师从国际绿色建筑大师Robert Vale教授和Brenda Vale教授。现任中国建筑股份有限公司技术中心(中建工程产业技术研究院有限公司)院士办绿建所副所长、中国建筑业协会绿色建造与智能建筑分会常务副秘书长。


主要社会职务:国际标准化组织ISO TC59技术委员会委员、中国绿色建筑与节能专业委员会委员、中国土木工程学会总工委委员、中国工程建设标准化协会标准审查专家、住建部和北京市绿色建筑标识评价专家、北京工业大学硕士生导师、《智能建筑》副主编、International Journal of Asian Architecture特约审稿人等。







姓名:黄宁 出生日期:1971-03-04
学历:博士 专业:建筑学
毕业院校:新西兰奥克兰大学建筑学院(School of Architecture, University of Auckland),世界大学排名50名左右。


新西兰奥克兰大学建筑学院读博士,师从于国际绿色建筑权威Brenda Vale和 Robert Vale教授,主要研究方向为可持续发展建筑和交通,获得奥克兰大学国际学生博士全奖(2007~2009三年,全球范围每年一般不超过10人)。曾任奥克兰大学研究生会唯一华人理事,现任新西兰奥克兰中国学生硕士博士生联谊会主席,新西兰河南同乡联谊会副会长,新西兰华文作家协会副会长,新西兰中华文联副主席。

新西兰奥克兰大学建筑学院获硕士学位(Master of Architecture),研究方向为可持续发展建筑设计,师从于国际绿色建筑权威Brenda Vale和 Robert Vale教授(《绿色建筑》一书作者,澳大利亚建筑环境评估体系NABERS的主要完成者)。论文成绩为A,获得一等优异建筑硕士毕业生称号(First Class Honors of Masters Degree),其间任建筑学院国际学生代表。2004年获得奥克兰大学硕士奖学金。

郑州工学院建筑系建筑学专业,获工学学士。其毕业总评年级第二, 连续六学期获得奖学金, 历任班长和系学生团总支书记,系学生会宣传部部长。








1. 1992年11月26日—1992年12月3日在郑州工学院参加房地产培训,经考试合格获结业证书。
2. 1996年5月—1996年8月在河南省建设厅参加工程建设概预算培训,经考试合格获《河南省工程建设概预算人员资格证书》。
3. 1997年通过河南省中级职称培训考核,获工程师职称。
4. 1998年参加全国经济师培训考核,获经济师职称。
5. 2005年11月,获评高级工程师职称。
6. 现任国际(中国)城市规划协会(IACP)会员,国际城市形态发展协会(ISUF)会员。


1. 黄宁,周俊斋. 浅谈家庭装修中的“软件”设计. 《中州建筑》,1997 (2).
2. 1997年1月—5月, 参与《土建结构程序设计》一书二版部分章节的编写,例题计算及绘制工作,并因此获“河南省科技进步二等奖”。
3. 黄宁译. 实践中的可持续住宅.《百年建筑》, 2004 (8)。
4. 黄宁. 建筑环境评估体系及比较. 《建筑学报》, 2005 (1)。
5. 黄宁. 地球之歌:记新西兰第一个可持续生态社区Earthsong Village.《IB建筑》, 2005 (3)
6. Robert Vale、黄宁. 可持续设计与行为. 《百年建筑》, 2005 (8)
7. 黄宁. 从理论到实践:欧洲绿色建筑走过的路. 《建筑设计与技术》, 2005 (10)
8. 黄宁、萧中发. 与绿色建筑大师对话:记新西兰奥克兰大学建筑学院教授Brenda和Robert Vale教授.《中外建筑》, 2005 (5)
9. 黄宁、陈鹏闯. 向英国绿色建筑学什么. 《时尚置业》, 2006 (1)
10. 黄宁、Robert Vale. 观念和技术让建筑生态起来.《时尚置业》, 2006 (4)
11. 黄宁. 新西兰奥克兰建筑掠影. 《南方建筑》, 2006 (6)
12. 黄宁. 澳大利亚绿色建筑评估体系NABERS. (为黄俊鹏等编著《绿色建筑评估体系》一书第六章). 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社出版, 2007
13. Huang, N., Anson, P and Vale, R. Reducing the Carbon Burden from Auckland’s Transport System. in Harre, N & Atkinson, Q (ed.).《CARBON NEUTRAL by 2020》. New Zealand: CRAIG POTTON PUBLISHING. 2007
14. 黄宁. 白云下的蜂窝—新西兰议会大厦. 《安家》, 2008 (4)
15. 黄宁、张伟红. 解读抗震设计. 《安家》, 2008 (7)
16. 黄宁、张磊. 生态足迹概念及其在国外的应用. 《中国青年科技》, 2008 (10)
17. 黄宁、郭玥锋. 现代诠释传统. 《现代城市》, 2008 (12)
18. Huang, N., Vale, R and Vale B. Car or Public Transport? -Some Lessons from Policy-making for Auckland’s Transport. in International Journal of Arts and Sciences. 2010, Issue 10.


19. 2004年5月,受邀参加北京第二届国际绿色建筑会议,并担任大会主讲人Robert Vale 教授(本人导师)会议期间全程翻译。
20. 2005年7月,受邀参加在南京召开的国际生态节能建筑研讨会,并担任大会主讲人Robert Vale 教授(本人导师)会议期间全程翻译。
21. 2008年7月14日-19日,参加在中国北京举办的国际会议China Planning Network China Week 2008。
22. 2008年11月21日-23日,参加在意大利佛罗伦萨举办的国际会议International Seminar on Urban Form 2008,并宣读论文Sustainable transport modes: a solution of transport dilemma in Auckland。
23. 2009年5月10-13日,参加在澳大利亚布里斯班举办的 Environmental Research Event 2009会议,并宣读论文How far are Kyoto Protocol and Carbon Neutrality away from us?
24. 2009年9月4-7日,参加在中国广州举办的the Sixteenth International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2009) 会议,并宣读论文How big is the land area for supporting Auckland’s transport?
25. 2010年3月15-18日,参加在美国内华达大学举办的IJAS Academic Conference 会议,并宣读论文Car or Public Transport? -Some Lessons from Policy-making for Auckland’s Transport.



1. 1998年通过河南省科学技术成果鉴定一项,为参加者之一。
2. 1999年获得河南省科学技术进步二等奖。
3. 奥克兰大学国际学生博士全奖(2007~2009三年)。
4. 奥克兰大学硕士奖学金(2004)。
5. 新西兰教育部(Education NZ)研究奖学金(2009)。
6. 2009年中国教育部“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”。
7. 2010年3月, 获得International Journal of Arts and Sciences会议论文奖 (美国内华达大学)。
8. 2010年12月,获得中国驻奥克兰总领馆授予的“优秀学生干部称号”




09/1988-06/1992 Bachelor Degree of Architecture at the Department of Architecture , Zhengzhou Institute of Technology ( changed name as Zhengzhou University of Technology in Apr. 1996 and incorporated into Zhengzhou University in July 2000 ), P. R. China

During the period at this University, I systematically studied a series of architectural knowledge including Architectural Theory, Chinese and Foreign Architectural History, Architectural Design, Architectural Construction and Structure, Architectural Physics, etc. I got the scholarship for six times and ranked No.2 in all students according to the final grade.

The typical design projects at the university are listed as follows:
1. The Design “Chinese Glass building” (1991)
The design was a program of an international design competition for the students of the Architecture Department.
2. The Planning project “The West Square Planning of Zhengzhou Railway Station” (1992)
The project was my graduation design program and was the main project of Zhengzhou City’s Urban Planning Bureau in 1992.

03/2004-02/2005 Masters Degree of Sustainable Architecture Design at the School of Architecture, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

At the University of Auckland, I fortunately studied following Professors of Brenda and Robert Vale (the authors of book《Green Architecture:Design for a Sustainable Future》and the principal editors of Australian Built Environment Assessment: NABERS) who are the worldwide academic authority in the field of Sustainable Architecture Design. Here, I not only grasped some theories and methodologies about Sustainable Architecture Design but also nearly read all important works on this field such as 《Design with nature》,《Our Common Future》,《Silent Spring》,《The Limits to Growth》,《Ecological Design》,《Gaia:A New Look at Life on Earth》.

11/2006-09/2010 PhD, School of Architecture, University of Auckland, New Zealand. In 2005, I got the International PhD Scholarship of Auckland University (covering the school tuition fees plus $25,000 living expense/ per year, totally for 3 years.).

09/1992-04/2000 Henan Dahe Real Estate Development Co. Ltd.
Henan Dahe Real Estate Development Co. Ltd is an Sino-Hongkong joint ventures. Its main business is in Henan Province, P.R.China.
Title: Architect, Manager of the Engineering Department
Duties: Head of the Engineering Department
To investigate the feasibility of the developing projects
To plan and design the real estate projects
To manage the construction sites

1. Design the project of Chinese Bank’ s Official Building in Kaifeng City (1993)
2. Design the project of Chinese Telecom Company’s Official Building in Kaifeng Town (2000)
3. Plan the Residential Quarters of Henan Foreign Trade Development Co.Ltd. (12/1993~06/1994)
4. Manage the construction sites of the Official Building of Henan Animal-products Imp.& Exp Corporation (05/1995~09/1996)
5. Manage the construction sites of the Dahe Official Building (1998)

05/2000-09/2002 Zhengzhou Xinyi Decoration Project Company
Zhengzhou Xinyi Decoration Project Company is a medium-size company and its business includes exterior and interior decoration projects.
Title: Manager and Stocker-holder
Duties: To administrate the daily business
1. The Decorative Construction of Henan Bingxiong Hotel with a totally budget of RMB 2.3 million. (02/2001~06/2001)
2. The Interior Project of Henan Bailu hotel with a totally budget of RMB 1.5 million. (12/1999-02/2000)

11/2002-03/2003 Beijing New Star Decoration Company
Beijing New Star Decoration Company is the top 6 home decoration company in Beijing City and the totally annual business revenue is about RMB 60 million.
Title: Chief Technological Officer (CTO)
Duties: To be responsible for all professional technology

08/2005-09/2006 Zhengzhou Jiangshan Real Estate Development Co. Ltd
Zhengzhou Jiangshan Real Estate Development Co. Ltd is a large-size property entity in Zhengzhou City. It ranked in Top 10 of all property companies in Zhengzhou.
Title: General Architect
Duties: To be responsible for the designing, the supervision of projects, the technical support.
1. Jiangshan Business Centre: general construction area is approximately 10,000 m2.

1. 11/1992—12/1992 To participate in the training program of real estate in Zhengzhou Institute of Technology and get the certification.
2. 05/1996—08/1996 To participate in the training program of norms for estimates, then get the professional qualification certificate from the construction Bureau of Henan Province.

Journal Papers and book sections
1. 01/1997-05/1997 To act as an assistant to edit the book The processing design of structure in buildings. Beijing: China Science Press. (in Chinese)
2. Huang, N. & Zhou, J. Z. (1997). Approach to the design for software of house decoration. In Zhong Zhou Architecture, 1997 (2). (in Chinese)
2. Huang, N. (2004). Translating Sustainable Housing in Practice. In ARCH 100, 2004 (8). (in Chinese)
3. Huang, N. (2005). Built Environment Assessment and Comparison. In Architectural Journal, 2005 (1). (in Chinese)
5. Huang, N. (2005). Earthsong Village: First Ecological Community in New Zealand. In Intelligent Building Forum, 2005 (3). (in Chinese)
6. Vale, R and Huang, N. (2005). Sustainable Design and Sustainable Action. In ARCH 100, 2005 (8) (in Chinese)
7. Huang, N. (2005). From Theory to Practice: the Experience of Green Architecture in Europe. In Journal of Atd, 2005 (10) (in Chinese)
8. Huang, N & Xiao, Z.F. (2005). Dialogue with Master of Green Architecture. China and Overseas Architecture, 2005 (5). (in Chinese)
9. Huang, N & Chen, P.C. (2006). A Study from Green Architecture in Britain. In Trend, 2006 (1) (in Chinese)
10. Huang, N & Vale, B. (2006). Conception and Technology Making Architecture more Ecological. In Trend, 2006 (1) (in Chinese)
11. Huang, N. (2006). A Glance of Architecture in Auckland. In Southern Architecture, 2006 (6) (in Chinese)
12. Huang, N. (2007). NABERS: the Australian National Green Building Assessment. in Huang, J. P. et al (ed.). Green Building Assessment System. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press. (in Chinese)
13. Huang, N. Anson, P and Vale, R. (2007). Reducing the Carbon Burden from Auckland’s Transport System. In Harre,N & Atkinson,Q (ed.). CARBON NEUTRAL by 2020. New Zealand: CRAIG POTTON PUBLISHING.
14. Huang, N. (2008). Introduction on the Parliament Building of New Zealand. In ihomes, 2008 (4) (in Chinese)
15. Huang, N. and Zhang, W. H. (2008). A Dissection for the Anti-Seismic Design. In ihomes, 2008 (7) (in Chinese)
16. Huang, N. and Zhang, L. (2008). The Application of Ecological Footprint in Overseas Countries. In China Youth Science, 2008 (10) (in Chinese)
17. Huang, N. and Guo, Y. F. (2008). An Annotation for Classics by Modern: Case Study of Britomart Centre in Auckland. In Modern Cities, 2008 (4) (in Chinese)
18. Huang, N., Vale, R and Vale B. (2010). Car or Public Transport? -Some Lessons from Policy-making for Auckland’s Transport. In International Journal of Arts and Sciences. 2010, Issue 10.
International conference proceedings
1. Huang, N., Vale, R. (2008). Sustainable transport modes: a solution of transport dilemma in Auckland, In proceedings of ISUF 2008. Artimono, Italy
2. Huang, N., Vale, R and Vale B. (2009). How far are Kyoto Protocol and Carbon Neutrality away from us? In proceedings of ERE 2009. Brisbane, Australia
3. Huang, N., Vale, R and Vale B. (2009). How big is the land area for supporting Auckland’s transport? In proceedings of ISUF 2009. Guangzhou, P. R. China
4. Huang, N., Vale, R and Vale B. (2010). Car or Public Transport? -Some Lessons from Policy-making for Auckland’s Transport. In proceedings of IJAS 2010. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.

1. 05/1998, Identification of Scientific and Technological Effort by Henan Province’s Scientific and Technological Committee
2. 10/1999, Second Prize of Henan Province ‘s Scientific Progressive Reward
3. 2004, Postgraduate Scholarship at The University of Auckland (NZ $2,000).
4. 2005, First Class Honors in Master Degree at The University of Auckland.
5. 2007~2009, International PhD Student Scholarship at The University of Auckland (NZ $87,500 for living expense plus tuition fees for 4 years).
6. 2009, Postgraduate Study Abroad Awards from Education New Zealand (NZ $2,500).
9. 2010, International Journal of Arts and Sciences Research Merit Reward

1. Be fond of writing, drawing and sporting.

2. Good at hosting events and functions. (M.C.)